"With inspiration and enthusiasm, a creative talent exists that goes far beyond normal human capabilities."

Tuesday 2 August 2011

What Makes A Real Man

by Revelife

1. Real men are selfless enough to turn off the TV and listen when needed. 

2. Real men care about their appearance.

3. Real men care enough about the woman they're with to reassure her when she needs it.

4. Real men are kind.

5. Real men spend time with their children.

6. Real men are honest and straightforward. 

7. Real men compromise when it doesn't matter and stand their ground when it matters.

8. Real men have confidence.

9. Real men do not demand things of the people they love.

10. Real men give their best in the things they do.

11. Real men are mature enough to put themselves third. (God-others-self)

12. Real men are willing to fight for a woman's heart, not sit on the couch and wait for her to take the initiative, both before marriage and throughout its entire duration.

13. Real men are willing to die for what they believe and the people they love.

14. Real men know what real respect and love are, both the receiving (from God) and the giving (to others).

And lastly,

15. Real men exist. These are not pie-in-the-sky fantasy qualities. They are all embodied by real men I have known like my father, my grandfathers, my uncles, my cousins, and my friends. 

There's only one way to start down the road of being a real man, and that's beginning a relationship with Jesus Christ, the ultimate, perfect, awesome real man.

Dedicated to the real men I've known. May others continue to follow you.

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